Dianna Witte Gallery

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introducing: sara macculloch

JUNE 2022


We are happy to share that we are now working with Halifax-based painter, Sara MacCulloch. You can view recent works by Sara, completed during her self-directed residency in Toronto, in our front gallery during the month of June.  

"In January I came to Toronto from Nova Scotia with the intention to stay for four months as a trial for a permanent move. I rented a beautiful studio in the Junction and sublet an apartment nearby.

My plan was to treat the time like a self-direct art residency. I hoped being away from my home and its domestic responsibilities would give me an opportunity to really immerse myself in my work without distraction. But important also was that there was not the pressure of a show. There wouldn't need to be a cohesive "whole." I had no expectations for the work except to let myself wander into whatever territory I felt like without questioning it too much. A kind of reprieve from the pressures of my regular routine and life. 

So for four months that is what I did. The paintings that I have given to Dianna Witte Gallery are results of that time.

Some where subjects I had painted several times before but wanted a new approach, some were experiments with different painting ground and media, but much of it was a natural continuation of themes I have been exploring for the past few years.

Mainly my work comes from the compulsion to document what is fleeting. I try to capture not only the place, but the light and the feeling of the experience of being there. To turn something indescribable or elusive into something permanent.

More recently, because of the imminent departure of my daughter for university, I began with the places we go together to walk our dog, or the summer cottage we rent every year. I wanted to document the places we spend time together and include the rooms we inhabit, the domestic scenes that make up our life.”

- Sara MacCulloch