jeremy miranda
Jeremy Miranda's recent work is rooted in depictions of his changing routine, while keeping sparks of the ethereal within the small details of a moody sunset, or the glow of fireflies on a summer night. These paintings are a departure from the invented narratives and spaces typical in his work. They are grounded in the everyday and are primarily about observing the forms and colour that make up the spaces in his immediate surroundings.
Miranda lives and works in Eliot, Maine. He received his BFA from the Massachusetts College of Art and Design in 2004. He has exhibited with Dianna Witte Gallery since 2014.
acrylic on canvas,
50” x 42”, 2024,
false refuge,
acrylic on canvas,
50” x 42”, 2024,
near the jetty,
acrylic on panel,
20” x 16”, 2024,
amber static,
acrylic on panel,
20” x 16”, 2024,
vernal pools,
acrylic on panel,
20” x 16”, 2024,
slow wave,
acrylic on panel,
20” x 16”, 2024,
acrylic on panel,
20” x 16”, 2024,
breakers (study),
acrylic on panel,
20” x 17”, 2024,
acrylic on panel,
20” x 16”, 2024,
acrylic on panel,
20” x 16”, 2024,
sleep walking,
acrylic on panel,
20” x 17”, 2024,
false refuge (study),
acrylic on panel,
20” x 16”, 2024,
treasure, acrylic on panel, 20” x 16”, 2023, sold
estufa, acrylic on panel, 20” x 16”, 2023, sold
tide pool, acrylic on panel, 20” x 16”, 2023, sold
carrot flower, acrylic on panel, 24” x 20”, 2023, sold
approach, acrylic on panel, 24” x 20”, 2023, sold
sunset over marsh, acrylic on panel, 24” x 20”, 2023, sold
minus world 1, acrylic on panel, 17” x 14”, 2023, sold
minus world 2, acrylic on panel, 17” x 14”, 2023, sold
minus world 3, acrylic on panel, 17” x 14”, 2023, sold
minus world 4, acrylic on panel, 17” x 14”, 2023, sold
minus world 6, acrylic on panel, 17” x 14”, 2023, sold.
minus world 5, acrylic on panel, 17” x 14”, 2023, sold
minus world 7, acrylic on panel, 17” x 14”, 2023, sold
still life with dandelions and apple blossoms, acrylic on panel, 24” x 20”, 2022, sold
driveway stars, acrylic on panel, 24” x 20”, 2022, sold
scattered light, acrylic on panel, 24” x 20”, 2022, sold
a lingering moment of uncertainty, acrylic on panel, 16” x 14”, 2022, sold
fever few, acrylic on panel, 16” x 14”, 2022, sold
remind me when we get there, acrylic on panel, 16” x 14”, 2022, sold
osb, acrylic on masonite, 12” x 10”, 2022, sold
floor gems, acrylic on masonite, 17” x 14”, 2022, sold
the last shipyard sunset, acrylic on masonite, 17” x 14”, 2022, sold.
temporary light, acrylic on panel, 16” x 14”, 2022, sold
garden gems, acrylic on panel, 16” x 14”, 2022, sold
salt & ice, acrylic on panel, 16” x 14”, 2022, sold.
encrusted, acrylic on panel, 16” x 14”, 2022, sold
sarah and henry’s hour, acrylic on masonite, 17” x 14”, 2022, sold
mangoes, 2021, acrylic on panel, 24" X 18" sold
kittery, 2021, acrylic on panel, 24" X 18" sold
boat house stove, 2020 acrylic on canvas, 50" X 42" sold
newry, 2019 acrylic on canvas, 36" X 34" sold
palace II, 2019 acrylic on canvas, 38" X 35" sold
this july, 2019 acrylic on panel, 20" X 18" sold
tunnel (of love), 2019 acrylic on panel, 20" X 18" sold
over a barrel, 2019 acrylic on panel, 20" X 18" sold
silver heat & cicadas, 2019 acrylic on panel, 20" X 18" sold
night errand, 2019 acrylic on panel, 20" X 18" sold
lightning bugs, 2019 acrylic on panel, 20" X 18" sold
fruit flies & wine, 2019 acrylic on panel, 20" X 18" sold
early days, 2019 acrylic on panel, 20" X 18" sold
recent trip, 2019 acrylic on panel, 20" X 18" sold
altar, 2019 acrylic on canvas, 42" X 40" $10,000
summer burn, 2019 acrylic on canvas, 50" X 48" sold
tribute, 2017 acrylic on panel, 15" X 12" sold
solstice (study), 2016 acrylic on masonite, 11" X 10" sold
den, 2016 acrylic on masonite, 16" X 14" sold
shore access, 2015 acrylic on panel, 36" X 34" sold
early evening, 2015 acrylic on canvas, 48" X 40" sold
succulents, 2015 acrylic on canvas, 42" X 40" sold
seascape, 2015 acrylic on canvas, 50" X 48" sold
cathedral, 2015 acrylic on canvas, 38" X 35" sold
this past january, 2015 acrylic on panel, 14" X 16" sold
east facing, 2015 acrylic on panel, 14" X 16" sold
pieces, 2015 acrylic on panel, 16" X 14" sold
early work, 2015 acrylic on panel, 16" X 14" sold
chateau, 2015 acrylic on panel, 16" X 14" sold
A.V., 2015 acrylic on panel, 16" X 14" sold
new england treasure, 2015 acrylic on panel, 16" X 14" sold
big sur no.15, 2014 oil on masonite, 9" X 8" sold
paper architecture, 2014 oil on panel, 15" X 14" sold
coastal overlap, 2014 oil on panel, 15" X 14" sold